Package your app from scratch


This guide is intended for devs who have gone through get started or have knowledge of:


You can do deploy to Android, iOS e Windows with Maven or by Command Line

Pom File

Make sure your pom file has the build tag, dependencies tag, repositories tag and properties tag as shown below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






                    <!--                    For version 4.4.2 and 5.1.4 or later, Apple certificates are no longer required. -->
                    <!--                    <certificates>${totalcross.applecertificate}</certificates>-->
                    <!--                    <totalcrossHome>/Users/italo/TotalCross5</totalcrossHome>-->

Inside the platfrom tag you can add the argument:

Argument for plataforms to deploy

  • <platform>-win32</platform>This platform is used to build for Windows;

  • <platform>-wince</platform>This platform is used to build for Windows CE;

  • <platform>-winmo</platform>This platform is used to build for Windows Mobile Only;

  • <platform>-linux</platform>This platform is used to build for Linux x86 (Debian);

  • <platform>-linux_arm</platform>This platform is used to build for Linux ARM;

  • <platform>-applet</platform>Create the html file and a jar file with all dependencies to run the app from a java-enabled browser (the input cannot be a jar file);

  • <platform>-ios</platform>This platform is used to build for IOS;

  • <platform>-android</platform>This platform is used to build for Android;

  • <platform>-all</platform>Single parameter to deploy to all supported platforms;


  • <platform>/p</platfrom>Package the VM with the application;

  • <platform>/r</platform>Specify a registration key to be used to activate TotalCross when required;

  • <platform>/m</platform>Specifies a path to the mobileprovision and certificate store to deploy an ipa file for iOS;

  • <platform>/a</platform>Assigns the application id; can only be used for libraries or passing a .tcz file;

  • <platform>/autostart</platform>automatically starts the application after a boot is completed. Currently works for Android only;

  • <platform>/c</platform>Specify a command line to be passed to the application;

  • <platform>/i</platform>Install the file after generating it; platforms is a list of comma-separated platforms. Supports: android. E.G.: /i android;

  • <platform>/k</platform>Keep the .exe and other temporary files during wince generation;

  • <platform>/kn</platform>As /k, but does not create the cab files for WinCE;

  • <platform>/n</platform>Override the name of the tcz file with the given name;

  • <platform>/o</platform> Override the output folder with the given path (defaults to the current folder);

  • <platform>/t</platform>Just test the classes to see if there are any invalid references. Images are not converted, and nothing is written to disk;

  • <platform>/v</platform>Verbose output for information messages;

  • <platform>/w</platform>Waits for a key press if an error occurs;

  • <platform>/x</platform>Comma-separated list of class names that must be excluded (in a starts-with manner). E.G.: "/x com/framework/".

Build your app

To deploy your application you only need to use a maven execution template by passing the command:mvn package

Your apps

After packaging your application the files will be in the project_folder\target\install\

Problems with WinCE? If your Operational System is not Windows or it is Windows and has not Cabwiz program, try to add/kas first platform to in your pom.xml

Last updated

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