API Rest


HTTP verbs are the request methods we use along with the endpoints to access a particular api route.






Retrieves new information



Create new information



Change an information



Delete information


One of the ways to make requests is to create PressListener for Button, in the example below I will demonstrate how to get the response of the request in a variable and display in a Label

//String uri = Requisition URL
//HttpMethod httpMethod = HTTP Verbs
    PressListener getPressListener(final String url, String httpType) {
        return (e) -> {
            //msg variable will be responsible for storing the request response
            String msg = "";

            try {

                HttpStream.Options options = new HttpStream.Options();
                options.httpType = httpType;

                HttpStream httpStream = new HttpStream(new URI(url), options);
                ByteArrayStream bas = new ByteArrayStream(4096);
                bas.readFully(httpStream, 10, 2048);
                String data = new String(bas.getBuffer(), 0, bas.available());

                Response<ResponseData> response = new Response<>();
                response.responseCode = httpStream.responseCode;
                if (httpStream.responseCode == 200){
                        response.data = (JSONFactory.parse(data, ResponseData.class));
                        //Accessing the answer and picking up the information.
                        msg += "Url: " + response.data.getUrl() + "\n";
                        msg += "Origin: " + response.data.getOrigin();
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                    msg = "erro";
            } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
            } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {

            lblResult.setRect(KEEP, KEEP, PREFERRED, PREFERRED);

    public static class Response<T> {
        public T data;
        public int responseCode;

Creating the packet to receive the response in order to handle the data obtained from the request

└── src
    └── main
        └── java
            └── com.your_company_name.your_name_app
                └── ResponseData
                    └── Args
                    └── ResponseData

and now create the class to store the information

package com.totalcross.RestApi.ResponseData;

public class ResponseData {

    Args args;
    String origin;
    String url;

    public Args getArgs() {
        return args;

    public void setArgs(Args args) {
        this.args = args;

    public String getOrigin() {
        return origin;

    public void setOrigin(String origin) {
        this.origin = origin;

    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

Now just put that pressListener on your button by changing only the endpoint and the verb, see the example below

    public void initUI() {
        String binUrl = "http://httpbin.org";

        Button btnGet = new Button("GET");
        btnGet.addPressListener(getPressListener(binUrl + "/get", HttpStream.GET));
        add(btnGet, LEFT, AFTER, FILL, fmH * 3);

        Button btnPost = new Button("POST");
        btnPost.addPressListener(getPressListener(binUrl + "/post", HttpStream.POST));
        add(btnPost, LEFT, AFTER, FILL, fmH * 3);

        Button btnPut = new Button("PUT");
        btnPut.addPressListener(getPressListener(binUrl + "/put", HttpStream.PUT));
        add(btnPut, LEFT, AFTER, FILL, fmH * 3);

        Button btnDelete = new Button("DELETE");
        btnDelete.addPressListener(getPressListener(binUrl + "/delete", HttpStream.DELETE));
        add(btnDelete, LEFT, AFTER, FILL, fmH * 3);

        lblResult = new Label(" ");
        add(lblResult, LEFT, AFTER);


  • See the complete API code remainder with TotalCross in GitHub.

Last updated

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