Sliding Window


Sliding Window is a fullscreen window that slides in and out of the screen during pop and unpop events. Use it to create transition effects between screens.

Source Code

package com.totalcross;

import totalcross.ui.Container;
import totalcross.ui.Presenter;
import totalcross.ui.SlidingWindow;

public class MySlidingWindow extends SlidingWindow {

    public MySlidingWindow(boolean delayInitUI, Presenter<Container> provider) {
        super(delayInitUI, provider);

    public MySlidingWindow(Presenter<Container> provider, int animDir,
                                                          int totalTime){
        this.animDir = animDir; // This can be LEFT or RIGHT, any other will
                                // be BOTTOM
        this.totalTime = totalTime; // Time, in milliseconds for the animation

Because it is a more complex example, we only show the specific Sliding Window example code, if you want to see the whole code of the image interface construction click here.






SlidingWindow(Presenter<Container> provider)

Creates a SlidingWindow with the specified provider. Use the provider class to implement your view code.


SlidingWindow(Presenter<Container> provider, boolean delayInitUI)

Creates a SlidingWindow with the specified provider and if it should delay the InitUI execution. Use the delayed InitUI if your screen takes a significant amount of time to load (e.g., it fetches data from a server) and the non-delayed InitUI if it is fast enough to be loaded prior to the animation. If the delayed option is used, the screen will popup with a spinner.


unpop( )

Unpops the SlidingWindow, hiding it.


popup( )

Popups the SlidingWindow, showing it.

Last updated