Last updated 5 years ago
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We'll be passing through changes to the base Material Design looks. All of the changes will be listed below.
Completely renovated design.
Left, right, top, bottom and icon paddings will be added, having their preferred values in Material standards, but also made possible to change by just changing the Button fields: paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom, and iconPadding.
The button will be which one you want from Material Design much more easily, like "Contained Button", "Contained Button with icon", "Outlined Button" and "Text Button".
Remember: You'll always be able to modify all of these values the way you desire.
Insets and text gap will be added, having their preferred values in Material standards.
Left, right, top and bottom paddings and icon gap will be added, having their preferred values in Material standards, but it is also possible to change them via public attributes.
The arrow color, margin, and size will change.
The ListBox used to show the options of the ComboBox component will also follow the Material standards.
[X] ListBox
Some design adjustments.
Left, right, top and bottom paddings will be added, having their preferred values in Material standards.
You'll be able to add a right icon now, having a left and right icon at the same time, if you want to. (Previously, you only could add a left icon)
You'll be able to control the gap between the icon and the item text.
The ListBox used on a DropDown context (like on a ComboBox) will follow its Material standards, which is different when it's used as a simple list.
OutlinedEdit added, having the preferred values in Material standards, but made possible to change via public atributes and methods.
[X] MessageBox
Left, right, top and bottom paddings added, having their preferred values in Material standards, but it is also possible to change them via public attributes.
Public gap values between internal elements, so you can change it the way you want.
Public text fonts, so you can customize it the way you desire.
Here are some images, so you can get the preview:
Now you can change the filled bar size when it's an endless bar.
Now when the filled bar reaches the end of the progress bar, it gradually starts appearing at the beginning of the progress bar when the bar is endless.
[X] ProgressBox
Now the endless bar starts gradually at the beginning while the bar reaches the end of the progress bar.
Completely renovated design
Now you can popup this anywhere you want by using popupAt(int x, int y). This can be pretty useful when you want to show some quick options.
Now you can change the size of its bounds.
Now you can get the ListBox (which is the menu) and change its paddings.
[X] Slider
Small adjusts to follow Material Design standards.
Now the ticks are drawn behind the slider circle, not above.
Now you can choose the ticks color independently with the ticksColor attribute.
Now you can choose the bar height with the barHeight attribute.
[X] Switch
[X] Toast
Now you can add a button to it that will be shown at the right, so you can add events to it to do whatever you desire.
A bug where the Toast faded out immediately after called is now fixed.
This page will be updated constantly.